BCEC Economics and Social Policy Scholarship recipient announced

We are pleased to announce the first BCEC Economics and Social Policy Scholarship has been awarded to Ms Kim Nguyen, who is in her first year studying a Bachelor of Commerce at Curtin University.
BCEC introduced the new scholarship to support broadening access to tertiary education for those traditionally under-represented at university.
Kim says she has a growing interest and a driving passion for economics.
“I believe that good research into social and economic policy plays a key role in addressing many of the issues we face today, especially poverty,” Kim said.
Kim said that growing up, she used everyday challenges to empower her rather than dampen her desire to achieve a good education.
“I chose to overcome adversity!” Kim said.
“I think our biggest challenge is to empower ourselves in our everyday lives, take better care of ourselves, increase our sense of personal power and focus on what we can control.”
BCEC Director Professor Alan Duncan said he is impressed by Kim in striving to achieve a university education and working hard to overcome the challenges she has been faced with.
“Education is also the great equaliser, providing the means by which people can raise themselves out of disadvantage, and we are delighted to be able to support Kim in helping her reach her goals”
Kim demonstrates a passion for making a difference, which aligns closely with BCEC’s values and mission and our commitment to making a difference to the wellbeing of West Australian families, businesses and communities”, Professor Duncan said.
“We welcome Kim warmly to the Centre, joining our PhD scholars and researchers. We also look forward to welcoming future BCEC Economic and Social Policy scholarship recipients to our team.”
Applications for the 2019 BCEC Economics and Social Policy Scholarship open Monday 5 October.
Undergraduate and postgraduate students with a demonstrated interest and passion for economics and social policy, and who do not have the financial means to attend university, are encouraged to apply for the scholarship.
The BCEC Economics and Social Policy Scholarship is supported through BCEC event registration fees.