The Road to Low Carbon Energy: Impacts on WA Households

The Bankwest Curtin Economics Centre (BCEC) invites you to the next workshop in the WA in the Spotlight workshop series.
This workshop aims to shed light on the impact that efforts to lower carbon emissions are having on WA households. Many are benefiting from a “climate change dividend” as they switch to more energy efficient appliances and install solar panels as a means to reduce energy consumption and bills. By contrast, the most vulnerable in society are often unable to access these benefits, owing to their income status or housing tenure, and may actually see their energy bills increasing as fuel prices rise and measures to price carbon take effect. Bringing together experts from academia, industry and government, we explore the effects of decarbonisation and rising energy costs across different household types and discuss the implications for future policy.
This workshop will feature key findings from a BCEC-funded project on ‘Energy poverty in WA’ led by Dr Tom Houghton, Director of the MBA (Oil and Gas), Curtin University Graduate School of Business. Other featured speakers include Professor Peter Newman and Ms Jemma Green from the Curtin University Sustainability Policy Institute.
We are delighted to announce the panel members for the workshop. Join Director of Policy, WACOSS, Mr Chris Twomey and Deputy Director General, Department of Finance for the Government of Western Australia, Dr Ray Challen in a panel discussion.